Ocean County Career Center
Nonprofit College/Universities Career Center Training
The Ocean County Career Center offers career and training services accessible to all customers, regardless of eligibility. Career services are for employers and businesses as well as job seekers and candidates in Ocean County, New Jersey. Plans are based on individual customers’ interests, existing skills, and the skills they need to transition into the workforce and succeed in their job search. At our Career Center, we provide resources for the community including access to education opportunities, apprenticeships and internships for young adults and people facing career change. On the job training grants and opportunities are also available. We provide resources to those coping with but not limited to, mental health issues, childcare needs, public assistance, career counseling, and job training. Our career services team works collaboratively with our Work First New Jersey (WFNJ) providers and the Ocean County Board of Social Services to address recipient’s obstacles to success and connect them with the appropriate support as early as possible.
No cost career and training services to job seekers, employers, and young adults in Ocean County, New Jersey.
Personalized career counseling, job placement assistance, resume development, skills assessments, and training opportunities.
Our Youth Career Opportunity Program supports young adults with career exploration, work experience, and high school completion.
Employers benefit from our recruitment services, on-the-job training grants, and workforce development resources.
Committed to addressing barriers to employment, we connect individuals with community resources, mental health support, and public assistance programs. Join us to advance your career or find the right talent for your business.