CASA Volunteer
Court Appointed Special Advocates, (CASA) of Ocean County. We train people from all walks of life to advocate on behalf of foster children in our community.
The mission of CASA is to provide foster children in Ocean County with a trained volunteer who will advocate on their behalf while they reside in foster care. Our volunteer advocates identify needs, make recommendations to the family court and provide these children with a steady, consistent adult presence during this difficult, and often tumultuous, time in their young lives.
CASA volunteer advocates receive 30 hours of classroom instruction from program staff, and other professionals in our community. After the classroom instruction is complete the volunteer is sworn in by the family court judge. Thereafter, volunteers are required to fulfill 12 hours of in-service training per year. Once initiated into the system, volunteer advocates work, on average, 5-15 hours per month depending on the complexity of the case to which they are assigned. For more information please visit our website or call our office at 732-797-0590.

Additional Info
Job Type : Volunteer